Wednesday, May 15, 2013

She & Him Obsession

Their new album came out recently and I have listened to it over and over again! I love Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward together and separately so much. The music just makes me all around happy with it's vintage, beachy vibes and Zooey's voice!!

I was listening to Volume One and the song "Sweet Darlin'" is one of my favorites so I thought I would whip up a printable to add to my collection.

Please tell me you love them as much as me?

Friday, May 10, 2013

Review:Colgate Optic White

Today I'm reviewing the Colgate Optic White line I received for free (that's right!  FREE!) from my Influenster Sugar 'N Spice Voxbox.  I was rather skeptical at first, but it's made a good first impression.  My teeth are squeaky clean, and my whole mouth is tingly!  So, first of all, here's what I got:

Mouthwash, toothbrush, and toothpaste.  Both the toothpaste and the mouthwash are "Sparkling Fresh Mint" flavor, and the toothbrush is supposed to be the very best of whitening toothbrushes.  So, how did all these items make my mouth feel?  Let's find out!

First, the Colgate Optic White Toothpaste. I am a fan of pastes. The gels just never feel right and don't seem to get the job done. This paste is on the gritty side, but that is just so the job of polishing your teeth gets done. I loved the fresh, squeaky feeling it left in my mouth all day and night.

Next, the Colgate Optic White Toothbrush in Soft.  It's pretty great!  There are little circular bristles entangling other bristles that help clean between your teeth, and on the back of the toothbrush head is a tongue and cheek surface, so the inside of your cheeks get cleaned, too! 

Lastly, we have the Colgate Optic White Mouthwash.  I'm not a huge fan of mouthwash in general, but I'm willing to give this one a try.  It's alcohol-free, and is supposed to be formulated to both remove current stains and prevent new ones.  When I used this for the first time I was expecting the sting, you know the one I'm talking about but I started swishing it around and then... bubbles.  So many bubbles!  And tingling!  I couldn't tell if it was a Christmas miracle or a physics anomaly. I loved the way it made my mouth even more tingly.

After using the complete Optic White line, my mouth feels not just clean, but sandblasted.  But in a good way!  And now, many hours later, my mouth still feels pretty darn good. I've even bought 3 more tubes of the stuff! My teeth are even a shade whiter. I'll be using this for as long as they make it.

I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes

Currently Link Up 2

I am so tired. 

My prescriptions got all messed up and here I am, 1 week without my Synthroid and I feel like I am running on the very last vapor of gas in my tank. This weeks Currently is all about learning, gathering, giving, working, & playing

Learning: I'm learning that I need to have more patience in all things. I feel like I am anxiously waiting something big to happen. "Good things come to those who wait" is something I tell myself everyday. Work is crazy and I feel like giving up, but I don't. I trudge on hoping my hard work will pay off. 

Gathering: Ideas for easier meals for the summer. Our backyard has become quite busy now that the grass is growing in and summer is almost here. I want to spend as much time as I can outside and it is definitely picnic weather so I want to dine "al fresco" (I think that is the term) 

Giving:  myself a much needed mini vacation next week. I am so flip flopping happy that I'll have 4 whole days off! Once June 1 comes I can't take any time off until out survey window closes. Tension is high and I am about to crack.

Working: On my photography website and getting myself out there more. I have been reading everything I can about networking and making my work standout. Also, working on my health, doing yoga and eating right.

Playing: SWORDS; ALL THE TIME. This kid swears he's a Power Ranger. If he isn't wielding one at dinner or bonking my ass with one while I do the dishes, he is sleeping or bathing with one. Now, he wants a Power Rangers birthday party. This will be the 5th time he's changed his mind. I wish he didn't have his own opinions about parties now lol It would be so much easier! 

What about you guys!? What are you learning, gathering, giving, working, playing this week?

Come link up over at!!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

My Creative Nook Tour

After working on this area most of the weekend I thought I would show you around my creative space. I work better when things are organized and everything is where I can find it. I lost interest for a while in doing some of the creative stuff I normally do. I didn't participate in 30 Lists in March and I had no interest in blogging or letter writing. Mostly because this area was way piled up with books to read, magazines to flip through, and clothes. Oh my gosh! The clothes! So, I woke up and got right to it.

Here is where I do my blogging and researching. Also, my pretty pink Uke, which I picked up again. 

Some cards I made and one that my husband made me when we were dating. That skull is a piece my husband did. I love his stencils and I wish he would pick it back up again.

Pretty little drawers full of cute stickers, cards, stamps, pens, and tapes.

Some more art I have collected over the years, made by friends and local artists. That picture of Des is another piece of David's that I love oh so very much.

Over the next few days I am going to be working on some cards for Mother's Day, a birthday card for my Nana, a congrats cards for my best friend who just graduated from college, and some happy mail for my almost sister in law.

 I love when the creative bug bites me. 

Now it's your turn. Show me where you do your creative stuff!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Weekends Are What I Live For...

But isn't it that way for everyone?

My weekend starts at 4:30 on Thursday. I love having my Fridays home with Des. It's quiet, there is always something to do, and I get lots done believe it or not.

I though it would be fun to do a sort of "weekend round-up" and give you, my faithful (3?) readers a glimpse of what it is that happens in Casa de Gonzalez.

On Friday Des and I usually wake up slow. He'll play with the iPad while I check e-mail, social media sites, and maybe play a game. We'll eat breakfast and because he eats so slow I sweep/mop, do the dishes, and get the laundry going (I'm working on doing a load of clothes every other day to kind of help on the whole 8 billions loads of laundry on Friday doitrightnoworitllnevergetdone drama)

This Friday was kind of in the yucky department with weather. We played outside for a bit in the morning but it started raining and had to go inside. Thankfully it stopped raining after his nap (this kid never naps but when he does it makes my tired head happy) so we went out and played swords (his newest obsession). Des also has this weird (and totally endearing) obsession with FaceTime. We wants to FAceTime everyone all the time. So if any of you want to give me your FaceTime addresses, Des would LOVE to talk to you. We FaceTime'd with Uncle Jared and made funny faces.

When David got home from work we headed to Toys R Us for Des' good behavior surprise (he wanted SWORDS and they were on sale, thanks Nerf!) and then off to date night. We tried this little Vietnamese Pho place that neither of us had been to. It was delicious! So good and now I want more.

Saturday David works so we painted a masterpiece and I got to clean up my craft space/business area and started working on my website for my photography. We headed to a friends house for a "Cinco (gringo) de Mayo party where we had nachos, fiesta burgers, beer, and played a card game called "Once Upon a Time". That game caused some pretty funny arguments.
Sunday I work (I work at a nursing home) and I showed my seniors Psycho (the OG 1960 version). We are having an Alfred Hitchcock film festival in the month of May, they love this kind of stuff. We headed to my MIL's house for dinner like we always do, I love being with my husband's family. They always make me feel so welcome and the food is delicious. We had flautas and broccoli soup. Yum! Then I crashed out at 8 (!!!) PM. I was so tired.

I was a great weekend and I had so much fun. Can't wait for Thursday to roll back around.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Currently Link-up Week 1

Sooooo this is my first link-up of this kind and I am super excited to be participating! Thanks to Lindsey from OtandEt for twisting my arm!!! (not really) So here is what I've been admiring, caring, loving, cleaning, and creating this week.

admiring: My husband. We sat down on the couch like we do on any usual night after the hectic, chaotic 45 minutes of a bedtime routine, "Des, pick up your toys. Des, take off your clothes. Des, you can't take EVERY car into the bath with you." and we were just talking about life in the near future. He asked me, knowing that yes, I love my job but like most jobs you get tired of the same shit day in and day out, if he could work the hours and bring in enough money if I would consider staying home and REALLY working on what I see myself doing if I would. I sat and thought about it for a little while, (mostly throughout the first 6 minutes of the episode of Lost we were watching) and of course I would. I want nothing more in this world to just be able to focus on my photography. Building my business, making tweaks, taking classes, getting more clients which takes a lot of time, patience, and energy. I've been behind a camera for as long as I can remember. Taking pictures of things that I love, happy faces, coy smiles, and secret kisses. There is something so amazing about capturing people in their element and seeing the love that seeps from their every look. So, after tallying everything up and thinking some more we decided that if his job is heading in the right direction and he gets the promotion he has been waiting for (crossing fingers, toes, and eyes) then I would be able to quit my job and focus on my craft. I admire him for thinking it would be ok for him to work 12 hours 7 days a week so I could put my 2 weeks in like, yesterday, but no silly man, that would kill you.

caring: I have been trying to become better at little surprises to show the people I care about that I love them. I am what you would call a doofus when it comes to the little things. I just think people know that I love and appreciate them, but really, we all love getting a thank you note, a treat when you've had a bad day, and I want them to KNOW I am thinking about them.

loving: The weather here in Sunny South Florida. Not a lick of humidity, warm, breezy. I love spending time samurai sword fighting with Des, splashing in his little pool, and pushing him on his swings. Soon the real Florida summer will be here and I don't think I am prepared. {EDIT: I wrote this after a sunny weekend so of course this WHOLE week has been rainy and humid!}

cleaning: My room is a disaster! No seriously, my craft desk is piled so high with stuff I can't even begin to think about things that I want to accomplish so I ignore it and the pile gets higher and I get sick of it. So this weekend I am working on removing everything from my closet and sorting stuff to give away, sell, donate, and trash. Moving the 2 desks together to create a "business nook" and hoping to find my inspiration for the things floating around in my head.

creating: Memories, hoping to get some layouts for project life going (which coincides with my "cleaning" project, and redoing my photo website.