Monday, May 6, 2013

Weekends Are What I Live For...

But isn't it that way for everyone?

My weekend starts at 4:30 on Thursday. I love having my Fridays home with Des. It's quiet, there is always something to do, and I get lots done believe it or not.

I though it would be fun to do a sort of "weekend round-up" and give you, my faithful (3?) readers a glimpse of what it is that happens in Casa de Gonzalez.

On Friday Des and I usually wake up slow. He'll play with the iPad while I check e-mail, social media sites, and maybe play a game. We'll eat breakfast and because he eats so slow I sweep/mop, do the dishes, and get the laundry going (I'm working on doing a load of clothes every other day to kind of help on the whole 8 billions loads of laundry on Friday doitrightnoworitllnevergetdone drama)

This Friday was kind of in the yucky department with weather. We played outside for a bit in the morning but it started raining and had to go inside. Thankfully it stopped raining after his nap (this kid never naps but when he does it makes my tired head happy) so we went out and played swords (his newest obsession). Des also has this weird (and totally endearing) obsession with FaceTime. We wants to FAceTime everyone all the time. So if any of you want to give me your FaceTime addresses, Des would LOVE to talk to you. We FaceTime'd with Uncle Jared and made funny faces.

When David got home from work we headed to Toys R Us for Des' good behavior surprise (he wanted SWORDS and they were on sale, thanks Nerf!) and then off to date night. We tried this little Vietnamese Pho place that neither of us had been to. It was delicious! So good and now I want more.

Saturday David works so we painted a masterpiece and I got to clean up my craft space/business area and started working on my website for my photography. We headed to a friends house for a "Cinco (gringo) de Mayo party where we had nachos, fiesta burgers, beer, and played a card game called "Once Upon a Time". That game caused some pretty funny arguments.
Sunday I work (I work at a nursing home) and I showed my seniors Psycho (the OG 1960 version). We are having an Alfred Hitchcock film festival in the month of May, they love this kind of stuff. We headed to my MIL's house for dinner like we always do, I love being with my husband's family. They always make me feel so welcome and the food is delicious. We had flautas and broccoli soup. Yum! Then I crashed out at 8 (!!!) PM. I was so tired.

I was a great weekend and I had so much fun. Can't wait for Thursday to roll back around.

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