Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bad Moods; We All Have Them!

It's hard to not be grumpy lately.

I'm an optimistic person, I really am, and I am usually the person in my group of friends that can make a bad situation seem like a piece of cake. I take charge, get shit done, and them it's all rainbows and sunshine.

Work is a big source of my grumpiness, our hours got cut, more stuff was put on my plate, and now I'm left trying to figure out how to squish a 60 hour workload into 37.5 hours a week. Not to mention my co-workers and their non-teamwork-but-we-think-we-work-well-together mindset. In all actuality I am doing the work of 4 people. It makes for a very over-worked, under-appreciated, and grumpy Amy.

I notice that I am too tired to play with Des after work, my attention span sucks, and I have no patience for anything.

I need to turn over a new leaf, leave work at work, and just try to be more patient.

How do you ungrump the grumpies?

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