Friday, March 23, 2012

An Update, Some Pictures, and a Song

When I started this blog I wanted so very bad to update as much as possible. Then The Hunger Games came into my life and I read that series from Friday to Wednesday. Every waking minute when I wasn't working or playing with Des was spent READING! I love books.

This week has literally been the week from hell. Between work and home I am just so glad it's over (for now) I'm also glad I'm able to spend time with Des on my own on Fridays. Last weekend our weather was so agreeable, a little warm, but it was a very good day.

Here are some pictures to help you get the idea. (Please pardon my cell phone photos)

A bike ride in the park to get our vitamin D! I love our park

I was asked to take some pictures at a baby shower of a coworker. I actually won a shower gift! (This almost never happens to me)

A little green beer and green jello shots with some rad girlfriends.

St. Patrick's Day karaoke

My brother in laws birthday party. One of the best cakes you will EVER eat, Philodough, dulce de leche, fresh strawberries, and Whipped cream. 

Normally when I get into a book series, I fling myself right into it head first and never look back. I wasn't sure what to expect from the book series but with the movie coming out I thought I would give it a try, 5 chapters in I was hooked. I got the soundtrack, watched the trailer, and bought my ticket for the midnight premier, which is reserved for Harry Potter, comic book movies, and (don't judge) Twilight. 

Now, I'm not normally a Taylor Swift fan, I mean her songs are good, catchy, and written well. I'm a really big fan of The Civil Wars who wrote the above song with Taylor Swift. It's so mellow, and melodic. Give it a listen.

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